How To Handle A Breach Of Contract In Florida
As a businessperson or owner in Florida, it’s likely that you have worked directly or indirectly with contracts. A contract refers to an agreement between at least two parties that is enforceable under the law. If one party does not meet the terms of the contract, he or she could be accused of breach of contract.
There are several stipulations in order for you to pursue a Florida breach of contract case. There must be a contract that was entered into by both parties, and it’s always better when this contract is in writing. There must be evidence of that contract being breached and there must always be damages that the second party incurred as a result of the other party’s breach of the contract. It’s important to distinguish that the damages must be a direct result of the other party breaking the contract.
If you have already entered into a contract with another party and have witnessed that party break the terms of agreement outlined in the document, you may be entitled to initiate a breach of contract lawsuit if you have sustained economic damages as a result.
Your next step should be to collect all of your documents, consult with an experienced breach of contract attorney in Florida, and file suit. You may find that your case can be resolved in negotiations prior to litigation, but you should always seek out an attorney who is comfortable handling all of those conversations. Written contracts are typically very clear about the obligations of each party, so if your contract has been breached by the other individual, you need to consult with legal representation as soon as possible in an effort to resolve your dispute and move forward.