ADR | Approved Dispute Resolution
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Dispute Resolution as a Cure for the Common Lawsuit
ADR | Approved Dispute Resolution

Innovative Solutions in Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution Services

Three Things You Should Not Expect from Your Mediator in Hillsborough County, Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, and Nearby Cities

On Behalf of | Oct 21, 2022 | Mediation

If you are in the midst of a workplace conflict and there is no end in sight, then it may be time to think about hiring a mediator. Mediators are skilled legal professionals that steer conflict away from expensive litigation and toward realistic solutions. This saves businesses time, money, and headache when solving conflicts.

While there are several things that you can expect from your mediator, we want to chat about some things that you should not expect from your mediator, such as:

  • Contrary to popular belief, your mediator is not there to make final decisions or issue orders. They are not the final judge, just more a guide leading you to peaceful resolutions.
  • Mediators are not there to take sides. It does not matter if you hired the mediator to mediate your conflict, they are not acting as your personal representative.
  • Mediators are not there to provide legal advice to any one party during the mediation process. They are there to facilitate communication between two parties.

At Approved Dispute Resolution we are proud to help you solve your workplace conflicts by providing mediators in Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Hillsborough County, Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs Tampa, and the surrounding areas. Specializing in alternative dispute resolution (ADR), we help you get down to the bottom of workplace issues peacefully without the need for litigation. From conflicts involving ADA compliance claims, discrimination, and more, our mediators give you peace of mind so you can move forward and put conflicts behind you.

In addition to providing your business with mediation services, we offer a wide range of services that range from proactive compliance, training, transactional work, and more. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services and connect with a mediator in Hillsborough County, Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, and the surrounding areas.
