Providing Non-Adversarial Neutral Driven Dispute Resolution as a Cure for the Common Lawsuit
ADR | Approved Dispute Resolution

Innovative Solutions in Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution Services

Dispute Resolution In Miami-Dade And Boca Raton, Florida

In some phase of life, you are likely to face a circumstance where you are stuck in a dispute and need help. However, not all times can you resolve a dispute or disagreement on your own. Relax; help is at hand. We at Approved Dispute Resolution offer assorted types of dispute resolution services to our clients by settling their disagreements outside the court. Our fees are nominal and the areas that we serve include the different parts of Boca Raton, Hollywood, Miami, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach.

Dispute Resolution And Its Different Processes

A dispute resolution can take a wide array of various forms. Of these, some of the most common processes are as follows:

  • Mini trial
  • Mediation
  • Litigation
  • Family group conference
  • Facilitation
  • Early neutral evaluation
  • Divorce coaching
  • Cooperative practice
  • Collaborative law
  • Case evaluation
  • Arbitration
  • Unbundled legal services
  • Summary jury trial
  • Special master
  • Settlement conferences
  • Private judging
  • Pro tem trial
  • Parenting coordinator
  • Ombuds
  • Neutral fact-finding
  • Negotiation
  • Multi-door program
  • Others

Disputes often are the outcome of a failure in communicating or opposing views regarding what was communicated. In fact, this holds true in maximum human relationships, business and personal. Most disputes in personal relationships are resolved devoid of legal intervention yet disputes in business matters often result in litigation which can lead to a costly endeavor. Any form of business includes risk, yet the degree to which one handles these risks is likely to have a noteworthy impact when it comes to the bottom line. If the risk however is not identified this cannot by any means be avoided, managed, or mitigated. We all ideally desire to avoid disputes. Although you can use best practices for avoiding disputes, you actually cannot completely eliminate the risk. So in order to get your dispute sorted get in touch with us today.