ADR | Approved Dispute Resolution
Providing Non-Adversarial Neutral Driven
Dispute Resolution as a Cure for the Common Lawsuit
ADR | Approved Dispute Resolution

Innovative Solutions in Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution Services

Photo of Lori G. Adelson

Lung Association Names 2022 Sunset Soiree Event Chairs

We may have just wrapped up our 2021 event, but we are already working on next year! We are excited to announce that our co-chairs for the 2022 Sunset Soiree will be Jill Ginsberg, of Ginsberg Shulman Attorneys at Law, and Lori Adelson of Approved Dispute Resolution.

This will be the 3rd year that Jill and Lori have chaired the event, and in this time, the event has raised more than $364,000! Thank you to Jill and Lori for your amazing service and commitment to the LUNG FORCE Sunset Soiree.

Lung Force | American Lung Association

For tickets or more information about the event, visit