Approved Dispute Resolution is proud to announce that Lori Adelson has been elected as FY24 Treasurer of the National Federal Bar Association Alternative Dispute Resolution Section.
The Alternative Dispute Resolution Section is pleased to announce its FY24 Officers:
Chair: Jo Colbert Stanley
Chair-Elect: Amy Boyle
Secretary: Ira Cohen
Treasurer: Lori Adelson
In addition, the ADR Section invites all Section members (including law students) to participate in an open meeting at 4 pm ET onWednesday, November 15. The virtual meeting will offer members the opportunity to get to know the FY24 leadership and fellow members, to share ideas for section activities, and to learn about opportunities to become more involved.
Please reply to [email protected] to receive a calendar invite, or utilize the Teams meeting details below:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Use this link to join the 11-15 meeting
Meeting ID: 296 234 892 430
Passcode: P6ZMGS
Download Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only)
+1 571-616-0550 U.S., Arlington, VA
Phone Conference ID: 412 684 1#
Find a local number
Thank you – we look forward to seeing you on November 15!
Alternative Dispute Resolution Section
Federal Bar Association
4075 Wilson Boulevard, 8th Floor
Arlington, VA 22203